Ordering Food Cards

Food Cards should be ordered to meet your dining facility’s needs and space restrictions. Plan to order at least 3 color Food Cards for each food, beverage, and recipe item so you have an ample supply.

  • Standard Food Card, Small (business card size) – Green, Yellow, and Red color cards; best for to-go food items and smaller spaces.
  • Standard Food Card, Large (index card size) – Green, Yellow, and Red color cards; preferred where larger spaces are available, especially on the main serving lines (hot entrée, grill, and sandwich bar)

Two options are available for obtaining Food Cards:

  1. Order pre-printed, laminated color Food Cards with color and sodium codes: (Coming soon.)
  2. Refer to Professional Printing Instructions before professionally printing Food Card templates:

Standard Food Card, Small – Green
[Low Sodium]
[Moderate Sodium]
[High Sodium]
Standard Food Card, Small – Yellow
[Low Sodium]
[Moderate Sodium]
[High Sodium]
Standard Food Card, Small – Red
[Low Sodium]
[Moderate Sodium]
[High Sodium]
Standard Food Card, Large – Green
[Low Sodium]
[Moderate Sodium]
[High Sodium]
Standard Food Card, Large – Yellow
[Low Sodium]
[Moderate Sodium]
[High Sodium]
Standard Food Card, Large – Red
[Low Sodium]
[Moderate Sodium]
[High Sodium]

Temporary Food Cards

While transitioning to the rebranded G4G, use these temporary G4G Food Cards until all menu items have been assigned color and sodium codes. Older G4G Food Cards and newly rebranded G4G Food Cards should not be displayed at the same time. 

Temporary Food Card (white), Small

Temporary Food Card (white), Large

Order white sticky labels for placement on the Food and Beverage Cards.

  • Food/Beverage Card, Large: Avery® #5363 or comparable size (1-3/8" x 2-13/16")
  • Food/Beverage Card, Small: Avery® #8257 (for inkjet printers), Avery® #6870 (for laser printers), or comparable size (¾" x 2¼")

Download the following templates to create labels with each item’s name and abbreviations for the G4G color and sodium codes.

Food Card, Large: Avery® #5363

Food Card, Small: Avery® #8257 (for inkjet printers) or Avery® #6870 (for laser printers)

Beverage Card, Large: Avery® #5363

Beverage Card, Small: Avery® #8257 (for inkjet printers) or Avery® #6870 (for laser printers)






Published on: July 31, 2019