Woman practicing mindful eating to fuel performance nutrition and improve military wellness

Mindful eating for weight loss

Food is about so much more than just meeting nutritional needs, performance requirements, or weight goals. Sure, we eat because we’re hungry. But we also eat when we’re tired, stressed, or happy and rewarding ourselves. We eat to celebrate and to gather with friends and family. Sometimes we eat because we’re guests and it feels rude not to. We might eat past feeling satisfied or full because the food just tastes so good.

So, when you decide to lose weight, start by acknowledging that sometimes you eat based on social, cultural, or life circumstances. When you begin to think more about your eating habits, being more mindful about when, where, why, and how you eat can help you meet your weight-loss goals. Mindful eating is an increasingly popular weight-loss strategy that can help you identify hunger and fullness cues, emotional eating, and other roadblocks to healthy eating.

Mindless eating happens for most of us on a daily basis. It usually involves eating while:

  • distracted (reading, texting, watching TV, etc.)
  • on auto-pilot (eating out of the entire bag/box), or
  • bombarded by options (buffet, potlucks, parties, office food)

Don’t believe you have auto-pilot behaviors? Have you ever driven somewhere and not remembered part of the drive? Have you ever opened a bag of cookies or chips and then realized you’d eaten more than you’d planned? Most of us go into auto-pilot around food at least sometimes.

Mindful eating is the opposite of mindless eating and focuses on being fully aware of your eating experience, including your:

  • senses—how food looks, smells, tastes, and feels 
  • stomach—how hungry or full you feel
  • mind—whether you like or dislike a particular food/flavor; noticing food cravings 
  • surroundings--how comfortable or uncomfortable you are in your eating environment (or aware of it at all)

Healthy food choices Make peace with food for healthy nutrition habits... Read More

Ready to practice?

To try mindful eating for yourself, follow along with these recordings:

Topic: Introduction to mindful eating

Title: Mindful Eating Raisins (audio)

Time: 6 minutes, 13 seconds

A classic exercise to try mindful eating is to eat raisins very slowly. It might seem goofy to take 2 minutes to eat a teeny raisin, or maybe you don’t even like raisins. That’s okay. Try to focus on how the recording guides you to use all your senses and really notice your food. Use 2 small pieces of chocolate instead of raisins if you prefer!

Enjoying aroma of foodTopic: Mindfully eating a meal

Title: Mindful Eating (audio)

Time: 5 minutes, 42 seconds 

This recording, which takes place in a military dining facility, guides you through mindfully eating a meal start to finish. It gives you reminders for checking in with your senses before, during, and after bites.

Trying mindful eating

Use the guidance in the recordings to practice eating foods mindfully. For a day, begin each of your meals and snacks with a few very slow, mindful bites. Try holding the food in your mouth without chewing immediately. It can feel awkward at first, but new habits often feel uncomfortable. Don’t let that stop you. Also, be proud of yourself for trying something new! There’s no “wrong” way to eat mindfully; like any skill, it takes practice.

You can also use the following prompts as reminders of what to pay attention to when you eat:

  • Appearance: What do you notice about the food?
  • Smell: What does the food smell like?
  • Flavor: Is it sweet, sour, salty, or some combination?
  • Feeling or texture: Is the food crunchy, smooth, sticky, or soft?
  • Satisfaction: Do you feel good about what you just ate? 
  • Preference: Do you like the particular food?

Is it working?

Notice if you enjoy your food more or less when you eat mindfully.

  • Did you notice any new flavors in an old familiar food?
  • Did you learn of a flavor or texture that you didn’t realize previously liking or disliking?
  • Did you eat less?
  • Did you eat the rest of your meal more slowly than usual?
  • Did this exercise change your experience of the entire meal, even once you started eating at a more normal pace, or did it only affect those few slow bites?

For more information on mindful eating, read The Center for Mindful Eating’s Why Mindful Eating?

Learn more at our “Get into Fighting Weight” guide.


Published on: December 23, 2019


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Fuentes, A. R., Staub, K., Aldakak, L., Eppenberger, P., Rühli, F., & Bender, N. (2019). Mindful eating and common diet programs lower body weight similarly: Systematic review and meta‐analysis. Obesity Reviews, 20(11), 1619–1627. doi:10.1111/obr.12918

Nelson, J. B. (2017). Mindful eating: The art of presence while you eat. Diabetes Spectrum, 30(3), 171–174. doi:10.2337/ds17-0015

The Center for Mindful Eating. (2013). The principles of mindful eating. Retrieved 19 November 2019 from https://thecenterformindfuleating.org/Principles-Mindful-Eating

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