Performance Psychology
Mind and body work together to create optimal performance. Learn skills that strengthen the connection between mind and body to optimize your overall health and performance.
Stress Management
Stress is the response of your brain and body when you believe something you care about is at stake. Learn how to optimize stress to enhance your performance, well-being, health, and resilience.
Sleep Readiness
Sleep is essential to health and peak performance. Explore these resources to learn the benefits of getting 7- 9 hours of sleep, build habits that can improve sleep quality and duration, and create a plan to manage operational fatigue.
Spiritual Fitness
These evidence-based spiritual fitness resources focus on using your core beliefs, values, and spiritual practices to help you navigate life’s challenges and optimize your performance.
Mental Health
Mental health is important to optimize your performance. Use these resources to help improve your mental health and grow from adversity.
Substance Use
Substance use can impact your performance. Learn about the health risks of tobacco, alcohol, and drug use and where to find support and resources for each.
SSFS 7X7 Initiative
Spiritual fitness is a key domain of Total Force Fitness. The CHAMP SOCOM Spiritual Fitness Scale (SSFS) can be used to measure Service Member spirituality. Use these resources to learn more about how this metric was development and how to use it.
SSFS 7X7 Initiative
Sleep Workbook: Tools to Optimize Your Sleep
Sleep optimization begins with awareness of the benefits of sleep, leading up to lasting habit changes. The Sleep Workbook includes 7 challenges designed to guide you through this journey. Discover tools to boost your motivation to prioritize sleep, find out how much sleep you need, build habits to improve sleep quality and duration, prepare for and recover from military operations, and counter fatigue.
Sleep Workbook
Personal Stress Toolkit
Fluctuating energy levels—from feeling depleted to overly excited—can affect your performance. The Personal Stress Toolkit was designed to help you find your Individual Zone of Optimal Functioning (IZOF), the sweet spot where your emotions, energy, and stress are balanced to support performance. Use this worksheet to recognize when you're off balance and discover strategies to optimize stress, operate at your peak, and tackle challenges effectively.
Personal Stress Toolkit