Profile of person holding head, looking sad and in need of mental health and resilience resources from HPRC

Resources for coping with anxiety and depression

Sometimes military life is stressful and overwhelming. Keep in mind your mental health is just as important as physical health. Use these resources to learn more about depression, anxiety, and ways to cope.

Anxiety self-assessment
Take this self-assessment from to find out if your anxiety is normal or has become a problem—and how to successfully navigate it.

Understanding anxiety [PDF]
This Defense Health Agency factsheet describes the common signs of anxiety, when it becomes a problem, disorders, causes, and how to manage it.

DoD’s Psychological Health Center of Excellence provides an overview of depression symptoms, treatments, clinical practice guidelines, policy guidance, and other resources.

Depression self-assessment
After reviewing the video stories, take the depression self-assessment from and access useful information that addresses your concerns.

Just the facts: Depression [PDF]
Depression can range from feeling a bit sad to severe levels that keep you from doing normal activities. This Defense Health Agency factsheet explains the common signs and causes of depression.

What military families should know about depression [PDF]
The Uniformed Services University and Center for the Study of Traumatic Stress factsheet describes what you and your family need to know about depression—“one of the most common and treatable mental disorders.”

5 questions to ask your psychological health care provider [PDF]
Prepare for your visit to a mental health care provider with these tips from the Real Warriors campaign.

7 tools that reinforce psychological health for Veterans [PDF] Use these resources from the Real Warriors campaign to help manage some of the challenges you face once you’ve transitioned to being a Veteran.

Virtual Hope Box [App]
The Virtual Hope Box (VHB) is designed for use by patients and their behavioral health providers as a companion to treatment. The app has relaxation exercises and storage for personal videos, photos, and music to help boost positive thinking, reduce distractions, and improve coping skills.

See HPRC’s “Resources for mental health care” for more help with anxiety and depression.

See also HPRC’s “Where do you serve?” section for your branch of service for additional policy and other branch-specific information. See our home page for links to each service branch.

Published on: July 2, 2019

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