Autogenic Training

Autogenic Training

TPH_HPRCAutogenic Recording-1.1 - 12_23_14- 9.53 AM.mp3


You are listening to an HPRC autogenic (or “hand-warming”) training script. This exercise will allow you to use the mind-body connection to warm up your hands, through improving your blood flow. Learning this skill can help with stress management and general relaxation.  

Start by sitting down in any chair that can support you. Tune in to the directions that follow; if your attention wanders, gently guide it back to the exercise...

My body is in alignment.

My head is in line with my spine and my tailbone.

My feet are planted firmly on the floor.

I feel balanced, as if my head and shoulders are held by invisible strings.

My breaths are full and relaxing.

I am relaxed.

My shoulders are back and remain fixed with each breath.

I’m breathing in good warm sensations and pushing out the bad.

My breaths are full—filling my belly.

My body relaxes more and more with each exhalation.

I am relaxed.

[Autogenic Verbal Formula]

[Set 1]

My right arm is heavy.

My left arm is heavy.

Both my arms are heavy.

My breaths are full.

My right leg is heavy.

My left leg is heavy.

Both of my legs are heavy.

My breaths are full.

My arms and my legs are heavy.

[Set 2]

My right arm is warm.

My left arm is warm.

Both my arms are warm.

My breaths are full.

My right leg is warm.

My left leg is warm.

Both of my legs are warm.

My arms and my legs are warm.

[Set 3]

My right arm is heavy and warm.

My left arm is heavy and warm.

Both my arms are heavy and warm.

Both my legs are heavy and warm.

My arms and my legs are heavy and warm.

It breathes me.

My heart is calm and regular.

[Set 4]

My right arm is heavy and warm.

My left arm is heavy and warm.

My arms and my legs are heavy and warm.

It breathes me.

My heartbeat is calm and regular.

My stomach is warm.

[Set 5]

My right arm is heavy and warm.

My left arm is heavy and warm.

It breathes me.

My heartbeat is calm and regular.

My stomach is warm.

My arms and legs are warm.

My forehead is cool.


Slowly bring your attention back to the room around you. Allow yourself to take this sense of calm into your day. Thank you for listening. For more resources, please check out

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