Soldiers row a raft in rough waters and optimize their teamwork and resilience with self-talk. U.S. Army photo.

Optimize your self-talk for peak performance

Self-talk is what you say to yourself as you interpret and review the different situations you face during the day. It is your thoughts. Often, we don’t tune into our self-talk and take what we’re saying to ourselves as fact. The problem is your self-talk can be accurate or inaccurate, productive or counterproductive. Learning how to take control of your self-talk can improve your performance by helping you regulate your feelings, thoughts, and energy about those events.

Grab a partner and use the worksheet below to help you use self-talk to boost your performance in high-pressure situations. To learn more, read HPRC’s tips for how to optimize performance through positive self-talk.

Published on: September 11, 2020

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