Nutrition Resources

HPRC’s Nutritional Fitness section has multiple resources to help guide healthy-eating patterns for better military fitness and performance.

Go for Green – Go for Green® (G4G) makes it easy to find high-performance foods and drinks to boost your fitness, strength, and health. Look for DoD’s revised G4G initiative in your dining facility or galley to help make smart choices that fuel your body and mind, optimize your energy, and help you perform at your best.

Performance Nutrition – Learn about nutrition basics and specialty topics to enhance your performance during workouts, training, missions, and recovery.

Eating Environments – Nutrition strategies for high-performance fueling can help you whether you're on base, at home, on temporary duty, or deployed.

Fighting-Weight Strategies – These fighting-weight strategies can help Service Members maintain optimum body weight and condition for mission success.

Warfighter Nutrition Guide – The Warfighter Nutrition Guide contains strategies and recommendations for all aspects of performance nutrition for Service Members. It covers the spectrum of nutritional needs to optimize Warfighter performance under the most rigorous conditions.

Published on: April 4, 2022

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