Building blocks of MNE action plan

Resources to develop your action plan

Many federal government agencies, healthcare organizations, and nonprofits have resources to create, implement, or maintain a supportive nutrition environment. All are especially helpful as you build your action plan.

Healthy Food Environments
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers helpful guidance for worksites, hospitals, schools, communities (retail), and restaurants.

Federal Food Service Guidelines & Food Service Guidelines Implementation Toolkit
CDC provides a comprehensive set of standards for food and nutrition for federal facilities along with a toolkit for making improvements to the food environment.

SNAP-Ed Toolkit
Explore tried interventions for a variety of initiatives including cooking, retail, and shopping.

Guide for Farmers Markets on Military Installations
In this comprehensive resource from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and DoD, find out how to establish and operate a farmers market on a military installation.

Healthy Food and Beverage Toolkit
Use this toolkit from the American Heart Association to create a “culture of health” in the workplace, including healthier options for employees.

Healthier Food Choices for Public Places
The Center for Science in the Public Interest offers information on healthy vending, nutrition policy templates, and implementation support.

Military Nutrition Environment MilSuite
Learn useful tips, strategies, and best practices. Contact CHAMP’s MNE team at for access.

Published on: November 11, 2022

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