Fresh vegetables on the shelves of the commissary during a Healthy Lifestyles event. (U.S. Army photo by Honey Nixon)

How to match food operations to mNEAT venue assessments

The Military Nutrition Environment Assessment Tool (mNEAT) evaluates 9 venue types across military installations. Whether you’re new to using the mNEAT app, need a refresher, or have a new food operation on your local installation, follow the tables below to match each venue to the correct venue type assessment. Use the Nutrition Environment Landscape Inventory to track your installation’s venues and aim to assess at least one venue per type.

mNEAT Assessment: Individual Venues

Venue TypeAssessment DescriptionOperation Types
CommissaryDefense Commissary Agency operated on-base grocery stores
Dining facility or galleyAppropriated-funded facilities that prepare or serve meals to authorized personnelCafeteria or campus-style dining facilities, warrior restaurants, galleys, and mess halls
ExpressMilitary-run or military-contracted food and retail operationsArmy and Air Force Exchange Service (AAFES), Navy Exchange (NEX), and Marine Corps Exchange (MCX) retail stores, convenience stores, gas stations, micro markets, mini-marts, and kiosks
Fast foodCommercial quick-service restaurantsFood courts or free-standing operations, such as Burger King, Subway, McDonald’s
Food trucksMilitary-run or contracted operationsMobile food operations
Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR)MWR-run or military-contracted food operationsClubs, restaurants, snack bars, coffee shops, fitness center juice bars, bowling center grill
Vending MachinesService, commercial, or Randolph Sheppard-run machinesRefrigerated, non-refrigerated, beverage, and mixed-refrigerated vending machines
Level OneReview of vending contracts (vendor name, contract dates), including any healthy options policies
Level Two
Review of vending machine food and beverage availability and behavioral design in high-volume locations, including healthy option labels (Fit PickTM), placement, and messages


Two assessments review only the installation-level food environment and don’t require visiting or reviewing a particular venue. Complete only one assessment for each of the below venue types per installation.

mNEAT Assessment: Installation Level

Venue TypeAssessment DescriptionOperation Types
CommunityReviews how well the installation supports and encourages healthy eating through collaborative partnerships and community nutrition initiatives, such as nutrition environment working group, farmers’ market, and community gardens
WorksiteReviews leadership support through installation policies and philosophies that foster a healthy workplace, such as nutrition guidelines for food and beverages offered at meetings and work events

Have a venue that doesn’t fit into one of these categories? Contact or your service lead for more information.

Published on: March 14, 2024

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