Resources for operating in cold environments

Extremely cold conditions place significant demands on physical and mental fitness. Learn how to prevent and manage cold-environment injuries to improve your performance.

Prevention and treatment of heat and cold stress injuries [PDF]
This technical manual from the Navy (NEHC-TM-OEM 6260.6A) provides information about heat and cold stress injuries, including causes, prevention, treatment, and effects.

Prevention and management of cold-weather injuries [PDF]
These cold weather-related injury-prevention materials (TB MED 508) from the U.S. Army include policies, publications, training aids, and presentations.

Cold weather casualties and injuries
Fact sheets, articles, training videos, prevention tips, policies, and more from the Army Public Health Center help Warfighters cope with cold environments, including how to prevent injuries and casualties, and links to additional resources.

Nutritional needs in cold and high-altitude environments
This report from the Institute of Medicine addresses the nutritional factors that can influence how Service Members perform in cold and high-altitude environments.

Prevention of cold injuries during exercise
This evidence-based article from the American College of Sports Medicine provides tips to help avoid injury when exercising in the cold.

Sustaining health and performance in the cold [PDF]
The guidance in this 1992 USARIEM document for cold-weather operations is still relevant to maintaining health in cold, sun, wind, rain, snow, and low humidity. Recommendations apply to food and water requirements, treating injuries, managing operations, training for deployment to cold-weather locations, wind chill assessment, and more.

See also HPRC’s “Where do you serve?” section for your branch of service for additional policy and other branch-specific information. See our home page for links to each service branch.

Published on: July 2, 2019

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