Service-specific physical fitness training series articles

The “physical fitness training series” is a collection of articles describing how to prepare for each Service’s physical fitness test. Read the articles linked below to learn about how to prepare for your specific PFT.

PF training series: Mental fitness – This HPRC article covers mental fitness skills to optimize training and performance for your PFT, in whatever branch you serve.

PF training series: Army Combat Fitness Test

How to train for the Army Combat Fitness Test – This HPRC article contains information about the specific components of the ACFT and suggests how to perform exercises to train for it.

PF training series: Navy Physical Readiness Test

PF training series: Air Force Physical Fitness Assessment

PF training series: USMC Physical Fitness Test & Combat Fitness Test

PF training series: USCG physical fitness test



Published on: August 8, 2022

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