Woman with a cell phone in her hand contemplating how to get help for relationship violence highlighting resilience.

Get help for relationship violence and abuse

Violence within families is rare but serious, and getting help for yourself and loved ones can prevent it from severely impacting your family. If you have concerns about a family member’s violent behaviors and potential for escalation, consider reaching out to one of the many resources at your disposal.

When violence is happening close to you, it sometimes can be hard to realize that things are getting worse. If you have questions or recognize signs of abuse in your relationship or between people you care about, it’s important to seek help—even if that means just gathering more information.

Resources outside the military

  • If you’re in immediate danger, call 911. Your local police department can provide support and safety during a crisis. They’re trained to handle emergency situations and defuse violent disputes.
  • The National Domestic Violence Hotline offers 24/7 phone support at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233), and they offer live chat services online. Their trained advocates provide confidential support and can help you sort through questions about unhealthy aspects of your relationship.
  • The National Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-422-4453 is staffed 24/7 with professional crisis counselors too. They provide confidential intervention, information, literature, and referral information in over 170 languages. Visit the Childhelp website for more information about their services.
  • The Joyful Heart Foundation offers information on sexual assault, domestic violence, child abuse and neglect, and other trauma your child might have witnessed. The foundation also runs retreats and wellness days for survivors of violence.
  • The Rape, Abuse, & Incest National Network (RAINN) runs a 24/7 hotline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673), and they offer live chat services online. RAINN also partners with local sexual-assault service providers so you can find follow-up assistance in your community.

Resources within the military

  • Family Advocacy Programs (FAPs) provide counseling, treatment groups, and educational resources to prevent domestic and child abuse. They offer classes, workshops, and seminars to help prevent the escalation of violence in families and advocacy for victims. Visit the Military INSTALLATIONS web page and select Family Advocacy Program from the drop-down menu to find the nearest FAP. Or explore the different branch programs:
  • Military OneSource is available around the clock to answer your questions about reporting options and support services. Call 1-800-342-9647 to find out how to connect with your local FAP or a military and family life counselor.
  • The Psychological Health Center of Excellence (PHCoE) 24/7 Psychological Health Resource Center features a hotline, email, chat, and phone number. Trained health resource consultants can answer questions and guide you to additional resources in your area.
  • Unit chaplains provide religious guidance and confidential counseling services about marriage and family concerns. They’re available to visit with Service Members and their families too.
  • The DoD Child Abuse and Safety Violation Hotline handles reports about child abuse or neglect in a DoD child or youth program or school. However, it’s not a crisis hotline. For more information, call 1-877-790-1197.

Published on: October 9, 2017

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