Soldiers demonstrating their military fitness by participating in a group run. U.S. Army photo by Kiyoshi Tokeshi.

Army resources for physical fitness

This collection of Army-specific resources can help you get fit, pass your PRT, and meet the rigorous demands of Army life and service. These include Army policies and Soldier-centric articles, websites, and videos.

Army standards of medical fitness [PDF]
Army Regulation 40-50 (2017) is the current policy defining the details of “medical fitness” for enlistment, appointment, induction, retention, flight and miscellaneous duties, and separation (including retirement). It also spells out the procedures for medical examinations for active-duty, reserve and national-guard Soldiers. This highly detailed document is primarily intended for medical personnel and leaders.

Army physical readiness training videos
The Army’s official YouTube channel provides training-specific videos that can be accessed from any smart device, including drills for military movement, guerilla, conditioning, hip stability, climbing, shoulder stability, core, recovery, and preparation.

Building the Soldier Athlete [PDF]
This 125-page book describes the background and basics of the Army’s physical readiness training program, which goes beyond basic physical fitness to the more advanced needs of the Soldier Athlete across the spectrum of strength, endurance, and mobility. It emphasizes the need and methods to reduce injury rates, including phased training, with sample schedules for the various stages and illustrated descriptions of the exercises used in each stage. Additional material at the end of the book provides information about additional strengthening resource, buying the right running shoes, shoe-lacing techniques, nutrition information, environmental factors, etc. (Note: This large PDF downloads automatically; it can’t be viewed online.)

Building the Soldier Athlete Supplement [PDF]
This 80-page supplement to Building the Soldier Athlete focuses on recovery from injury or illness and the physical training required to restore a Soldier to full readiness. The book outlines programs for all levels of injury, from severe lower-body injury through less-severe and upper-body injuries to mild or recovery-phase injuries. It provides illustrated descriptions of phase-specific and injury-specific exercises. (Note: This large PDF downloads automatically; it can’t be viewed online.)

Army Physical Fitness School
The Army’s Physical Fitness School develops the concepts, techniques, and programs related to Army Physical Readiness Training. It also provides the Master Fitness Trainer Course to train unit leaders to help develop physical readiness training programs to improve readiness and minimize injuries.

Army physical readiness training [PDF]
Field Manual 7-22 (2012) covers the philosophy, strategy, and execution of the Army’s physical training regimen. It contains detailed descriptions of all the exercises used in drills to achieve physical readiness to pass the APFT and successfully cope with the demands of deployment and missions. It also covers planning considerations to optimize Soldier performance and reduce the risk of injury, including sample schedules. And it addresses special conditioning programs and evaluations for those who fail to meet standards and those who are recovering from injury.

MOVE! weight management program
The Veterans Health Administration (VHA) developed this national weight-management, health-promotion program for Veterans. The MOVE! program provides resources and guidance on nutrition and physical activity, including handouts that cover basic knowledge about weight control, behavioral changes to help weight loss, nutrition, and physical activity. In addition, the Move! Coach phone app offers a 19-week self-guided program.

Guidelines for Return to Duty (Play) After Heat Illness: A Military Perspective [PDF]
This 2007 article proposes guidelines for how to determine if it is safe for a Service Member to return to duty after experiencing a heat injury, including discussion of background and standards for Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marines.

Army weight management guide [PDF]
This 2017 Performance Triad booklet from the U.S. Army Public Health Center explains the requirements for a healthy body weight and includes dietary recommendations and information on weight-loss programs and resources. It explains concepts such as body composition and BMI and outlines Army-approved options available to help you lose weight. It also includes information about the risks associated with weight-loss dietary supplements, along with suggestions to manage the stress, anger, sadness, and boredom associated with weight-loss regimens.

Army body composition program [PDF]
Army Regulation 600-9 (2013, revised 2018) is the overall policy document that implements the Army Weight Control Program. The goal of the ABCP is to ensure Soldier fitness with regard to body composition and assist those who require help to achieve Army standards of body composition. It includes the Army’s latest body-fat standards, along with specifications for how to assess body fat, enroll in the Program, monitor Soldier progress, obtain medical evaluation, and release a Soldier from the Program.

Published on: June 7, 2019

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