Service Member optimizing performance in a field task

HPO Spectrum and Professionals

A variety of professionals work across the HPO spectrum to implement Total Force Fitness. Some work to
optimize and enhance Service Member performance. Others focus on sustaining basic health and helping
Service Members restore their ability to perform core tasks and recover from illness or injury.

HPO Spectrum Infographic

With so many professionals and paraprofessionals to assist, it can be challenging to know who does
what—and who to turn to for what you’re facing. The handout below can help you decide which professionals and resources to seek out when you want to optimize your performance vs. overcome an injury. It’s important to note that the categories outlined below demonstrate where the majority of these professionals’ work typically occurs. It’s possible that a professional with specific training might work across varied points of the HPO spectrum as well. Talk with the professionals in your network and explore the resources available to you to understand their orientation to health and performance. Tip: Use your Total Force Fitness Resources worksheet to keep track of these resources. 

Published on: August 8, 2022

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