Navy Commander greets his daughter and son (DoD photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Steven Khor, U.S. Navy/Released)

Military life balance

For many, juggling the demands of work and home looks different these days—as your work life might literally spill over into home life—depending on where you set up your desk. Whether you’re operating out of a home office or back at your regular one, it’s important to try to make time for the other people and activities in your life (outside of your job).

Military families say the demands of service affect their relationships—whether it’s time with kids, partners, or parents. Military work-life balance is something to strive for, no matter what. It’s also key to practice strong communication skills, manage your time and stress, focus on nutrition, and stay physically active to boost your performance and achieve a healthy work-life balance.

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Military life balance

Optimize family time

Did you know almost half of Military Service Members and their spouses report time away from family as their biggest concern? Fix it: Quality over quantity! Balance "core family fun" (cards games or dinners) with new experiences that help build skills such as volunteer projects or vacations.

Make wellness a habit

Not having enough time is one of the biggest obstacles to getting adequate exercise. Block 30-60 minutes a day in your schedule for workouts. You can also use family or social time to be active together.

Teamwork makes the dream work

Did you know 20% of active-duty Service members identify their leaders as toxic? Unhealthy work relationships affect motivation, commitment, productivity, and performance. Fix it: Be assertive, not aggressive. Build trust with your unit members by letting your guard down, having fun, and focusing on the mission to service that bonds you.

Stay fit to fight

Did you know about 80% of adults and children don't meet recommended guidelines for physical activity (PA) and aerobic/muscular strengthening? Fix it: PA helps protect against burnout, especially in jobs that aren't physically demanding. Perform at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity PA each week to fight physical, mental, and emotional fatigue.

Find meaning at work

Did you know 3 out of 10 Service Members wish they could find more meaning in their work? Fix it: Take time daily to reflect on your value system to help yourself grow and find new ways to apply your spirituality or values at work and home.

Avoid burnout

Burnout: noun


  1. Fatigue from overwork and stress.
  2. One of the top reasons for turnover in the military.

Learn the signs of burnout and combat it by spending time with loved ones at home and building healthy workplace relationships while on duty.

Are you living life or a to-do list?

Did you know over 42% of active-duty Service Members and their spouses say they want to improve their quality of life.

Fix it: Prioritize what's important! To get the most out of tasks you already have, reflect on what you can learn, who it helps and brings you closer to, and what you enjoy.

Share meals

Did you know fewer families eat dinner together? Fix it: Family and shared meals are linked to healthier diets. Meal prep or cook in batches on weekends, so you can enjoy mealtime with family and friends during the busy workweek.

Success starts at the top

Did you know most people rank feeling respected and trusting their leaders (or commanding officers) as crucial to job satisfaction and engagement? Fix it: Start with you! Set boundaries, communicate, and practice self-care. And meet with team members one-on-one to talk about social support, hobbies, and what motivates them.

USU: Uniformed Services University | CHAMP: Consortium for Health and Military Performance logo

Human Performance Resources by CHAMP |

Published on: July 31, 2023

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