Sailor in uniform practices military wellness and healthy relationship communication by hugging his daughter. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Daniel M. Young/Released)

Parenting after deployment

When a Service Member comes home from a deployment, stress levels can spike, and it can be hard to reintegrate into family life. Reconnecting with children and shifting into a parenting role can be a challenge too.

If your partner returns from a deployment and is easily annoyed by your children, some strong emotions might be at play. For example, maybe your spouse tries to tell the kids what to do and then gets irritable when they don’t respond well. This can happen to all parents, but a Service Member recently returned from deployment is in a unique position. Attempts to take control at home might happen because your spouse is overwhelmed as they readjust to parenthood.

Ease the transition

  • Set up a code word your spouse can say to signal when they’re irritable with the kids and need time to regroup. Encourage your spouse to go quietly to a different area and take some deep breaths before reengaging.
  • Try relaxation exercises. They’re easy to do as a couple and can be very helpful. Find a quiet area in your home and ask your partner to sit with you and complete a breathing exercise together.
  • Encourage your spouse to practice mindfulness to learn how to slow down reactions that might hurt interactions with your children. Recognizing a surge of feelings before it spills over into communication with your kids is key to reestablishing a healthy connection.
  • Help your Service Member have realistic expectations. Some military moms might need a confidence boost as they readjust to parenting. And some military dads might need reassurance as they recognize the strengths and obstacles they face upon returning from deployment. Your spouse also might need to be reacquainted with effective discipline strategies that align with your children’s ages and skill levels.
  • Schedule time for family fun. Spend time together outside playing a sport. Go to a local park together. Or visit a zoo, garden, or museum. Planning some quality family time where all are engaged will improve everyone’s mood and strengthen your family.
  • Consider organizing structured activities for your returned spouse and each of your kids. This is a terrific opportunity for special “Mom-and-me” or “Dad-and-me” time. While the emphasis should be on your returned spouse interacting directly with your kids, stay close by to provide comfort and security. And make sure your spouse knows it’s okay to ask for a “time-out” if needed.
    • If you have younger kids, consider planning “play time” for your spouse and your child. The focus should be on simply playing and letting the child lead. Encourage your spouse to give your daughter or son full attention and offer praise and affection as much as possible.
    • If you have older children, encourage your spouse to engage in activities they enjoy. Older kids like being able to “teach” their parents about what they’re interested in. Set aside time for your returned spouse to learn about new hobbies, activities, and interests your older kids might have.

The transition from “mission mode” to “parent mode” doesn’t always happen automatically, but with some anticipation and encouragement from a prepared spouse, it can happen smoothly.

Published on: December 29, 2020


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Bowling, U. B., & Sherman, M. D. (2008). Welcoming them home: Supporting Service Members and their families in navigating the tasks of reintegration. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 39(4), 451–458. doi:10.1037/0735-7028.39.4.451

Doyle, M. E., & Peterson, K. A. (2005). Re-entry and reintegration: Returning home after combat. Psychiatric Quarterly, 76(4), 361–370. doi:10.1007/s11126-005-4972-z

Sandoz, E. K., Moyer, D. N., & Armelie, A. P. (2015). Psychological flexibility as a framework for understanding and improving family reintegration following military deployment. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 41(4), 495–507. doi:10.1111/jmft.12086

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