Military missions often require night and sustained operations. Because of this, it’s challenging for Service Members to sustain performance during long waking hours or when their internal clock is set to sleep. These conditions negatively impact physical and cognitive performance. You can’t train for sleep deprivation, but you can create a fatigue management plan to help you offset the impact of sleep deprivation on your military performance. This worksheet provides a list of evidence-based tips you can implement before, during, and after shift work and sustained operations. Use this tool to identify the strategies that work for you and create your personalized fatigue management plan.
Check out the following HPRC’s and OPSS’ resources to learn more about other topics related to sleep and fatigue management:
- Sleep vacation: One way to transform your sleep for military wellness and performance optimization
- 20 Holistic sleep-optimization tips for better performance, mental health, and resilience
- Napping for the military: When and how long you should nap
- Strategic napping for when you get no sleep
- Caffeine and performance
Published on: October 12, 2023
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