HPRC Leader Guide: Starting a gratitude practice with a gratitude calendar

The HPRC team developed this Leader Guide: Starting a Gratitude Practice for military leaders, healthcare providers, performance professionals, and other force multipliers. This is the first in a series of leader guides intended to…

  • provide an overview of a Total Force Fitness (TFF) concept,
  • summarize the research about the concept's impact on performance, resilience, and military wellness, and
  • offer strategies to implement a tool to address the concept.

HPRC leader guides can be used in 1:1 sessions with Service Members when delivering hip-pocket training, in presentations to military audiences, or in a standard training practice.

As always, the HPRC team is here to help. If you have any questions about how to use this guide or about the content, please use our Ask the Expert feature to reach out to us. And we welcome your feedback. We'd love to hear how you've been able to use this guide.

Also, if you would like to hear about HPRC’s upcoming leader guides as they become available, sign up for HPRC’s newsletter!

Published on: September 9, 2021

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