View and interpret mNEAT results

There are two types of mNEAT summaries that you can review: Results and Reports.

  • Results for each completed venue assessment show its total score, category score (food policy, food availability, behavioral design), and responses to each question.
  • Reports display overall assessment results.

What do your results mean?

Your mNEAT results show the scores for individual food service venues, including a breakdown of the key categories and how they scored on each assessment question. These results can be used for action plan development to enhance the local nutrition environment. For example, if a venue’s food availability score is low, your team’s action plan can focus on strategies to provide more high-performance foods and drinks. A venue’s results are a great way to start a conversation with the location’s food service manager about ways to collaborate on improving the local food landscape. Planned improvements can help increase the mNEAT score. In addition, you can use the Report tab to see how facilities compare on your installation.

View results

Click on “Results” to view the outcomes of submitted assessments. You can then filter results by branch, installation, and assessment type.

How to access mNEAT results

  • If you’re an “Assessor,” you can only view assessments you have submitted.
  • If you’re a “Business Unit Administrator,” you can view all the assessments for your installation or ship and assigned service branch.

mNEAT assessment results page

Click on “VIEW RESULTS” to the right of the entry you wish to view. You can download the results by clicking on “DOWNLOAD” at the top or bottom of the screen. The results show the total score for that particular venue and the breakdown by category (food policy, food availability, behavioral design, community involvement, etc.). The table below displays key categories for each venue type.

  Food Policy Food Availability Behavioral Design Community Involvement AAFES/NEX /MCX


Randolph Sheppard Action Plan Worksite N/A
Commissary X X X              
Express X X X              
MWR X X X              
Fast Food                    
Food Truck                    
Vending Level 1         X X X X    
Worksite                 X  
Community                   X
Vending Level 2                   X

Viewing your mNEAT results helps you understand the strengths of individual venues and identify areas for improvement. It’s a useful tool to help you brainstorm an action plan for your installation or ship and target specific strategies once you select a particular venue to improve. If you need help with ideas for an action plan or to start the process, check out the articles on HPRC’s Plan & Take Action web page.

Published on: November 16, 2022

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