Litter carry with mannequin

Build Your Litter Carry Capacity to Boost Readiness and Performance

As a future physician, you must be dedicated to preserving and sustaining your own health in the same way you encourage patients to do for themselves. With limited time and resources at this stage of your career, it may feel like you have no energy left to take care of your own health. 

When you’re ready to integrate physical fitness into your schedule on a consistent basis, use this 6-month plan to build capacity to carry a litter. This plan lays out 3 workouts per week, each taking 30–45 minutes to complete. It’s a total-body program focused on building grip strength, core strength and stability, and shoulder stability.

This program highlights the many ways you can incorporate fitness into your daily life and continue to make yourself ready to participate in field practicums and experiences that are sure to occur during your tenure as a military medical officer.

Published on: July 15, 2024

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