6 tips to support your family’s nutritional wellness

During HPRC’s #GotMySix campaign, help fuel your family’s nutritional health—and let them know you have their back—by creating a healthy eating environment at home.

Stock up on nourishing foods

Keep the fridge and pantry well-stocked with healthy snacks. Some ideas include fresh-cut fruits and veggies, healthy dips such as hummus or guacamole, yogurt, nuts, and whole-grain crackers. Store nutritious foods so they’re visible and within reach. This will make it easy to choose healthy options. For more snack ideas, read HPRC’s article on snacking at home.

Eat together as a family

It’s often hard to get everyone together with competing schedules and activities, but taking the time to sit down and eat together as a family can have many benefits. Family meals can protect against overweight and obesity and are often healthier because they include more fruits and vegetables compared to eating out or eating alone. Kids who regularly eat meals with their families also tend to have higher self-esteem. HPRC’s meal-planning tips can help make family meals quick, easy, and enjoyable.

Let kids help plan meals & snacks

Enlist your kids’ help in coming up with healthy meal and snack ideas. Depending on their age, kids can also help with cooking or meal preparation. They can wash produce, mix ingredients, and help set the table and clean up. You can even have kids help at the grocery store by letting them pick out some new fruits or vegetables to try at home.

Keep portions in check

Treats aren’t off limits, but store them out of sight and keep only small amounts on hand to avoid overeating.
Consider using smaller plates, bowls, glasses, and utensils, which can also help with portion control. HPRC’s portion guide can help you and your family members choose appropriately-sized portions of the foods you enjoy eating.

Be a role model

No one is expected to choose healthy foods all the time, but try to set an example. When you regularly choose nourishing foods and eat on a regular schedule, your family members—especially kids—will be more likely to follow your lead. Simple habits such as eating a nutrient-rich breakfast daily or choosing fruit for a snack also can help model healthy behaviors.

Show support

Sometimes family members have different or competing nutrition goals. Whether you’re trying to support your partner’s weight-loss goals or raise healthy eaters, everyone benefits from adopting healthier habits. Try to avoid putting excessive pressure or restrictions on family members, and instead model and encourage healthy eating behaviors such as including fruits and vegetables at meals and planning regular snack times.

Published on: September 20, 2021


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