Women enjoying a holiday market together

Boost your bond with your partner by playing HPRC’s holiday relationship BINGO

The holidays can be a stressful time of year. Fortunately, boosting your bond by including playful elements in your relationship can help alleviate some of that holiday stress. Engaging in playful activities with your romantic partner, such as completing HPRC’s holiday relationship BINGO card below, can help improve communication, reduce conflict, and increase how satisfied you are with your relationship.

Improving your bond with your partner can enhance other aspects of your Total Force Fitness (TFF) around the holidays too, including your ability to:

  • reach your physical fitness goals (despite cold weather), 
  • stay on track with your nutritional fitness goals (especially when tempted to overindulge in holiday sweets and treats), and 
  • prioritize your partnership (if the list of holiday tasks diverts your attention away from your partner).

Published on: November 28, 2023


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