Total Force Fitness Self-Check: My Wellness & Performance Inventory

Throughout your career as a Service Member, preserving your holistic health and performance is key to staying mission-ready and being prepared to take on complex challenges both in and out of uniform. Use this Total Force Fitness Self-Check tool to learn about your own strengths and growth areas across the TFF domains, improve your military wellness, and optimize your performance. It also can help you set targeted goals and identify areas where you could benefit from additional resources.

Published on: July 19, 2021

William Haffner, M.D. (CAPT, USPHS, Ret.) (Ed.). (2010). Total Force Fitness [Special issue]. Military Medicine, 175(8S), 1–126.

Jonas, W. B., O'Connor, F. G., Deuster, P., Peck, J., Shake, C., & Frost, S. S. (2010). Why Total Force Fitness? Military Medicine, 175(8S), 6–13. doi:10.7205/milmed-d-10-00280

Park, G. H., Messina, L. A., & Deuster, P. (2017). A shift from resilience to human performance optimization in special operations training: Advancements in theory and practice. Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 17(3), 109–113.

Chamberlin RA, Lunasco T, & Deuster PA. (2020). Optimizing special operations forces operator talents and mission capabilities: Human performance optimization and total force fitness Capability-Based Blueprint and Targeting System. Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 20(1), 113–119.

Lunasco T, Chamberlin RA, & Deuster PA. (2019). Human performance optimization: An operational and operator-centric approach. Journal of Special Operations Medicine, 19(3), 101–106.

World Health Organization. (1948). What is the WHO definition of health? Retrieved September 30, 2020 from

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